Colombia Digital Nomad Visa 2024 | Everything You Need to Know!

Colombia digital nomad visa

Being a digital nomad, the world instantly becomes your oyster. Yes, a cliche line, but then who doesn’t like that?

There are certain criteria to meet, to get the Colombia digital nomad visa, but once you get there, you can be anywhere in the world. All you need is an internet connection, and continue working, that simple!

In my recent pursuit, I recently acquired a Colombia Digital Nomad Visa and plan to explore the country. Here are some initial findings in my journey to acquire a Colombia Digital Nomad Visa.

Quick Guide

Official name: Republic of Colombia

Capital City: Bogota

Population: 48 million

Official language: Spanish

Official currency: Colombian Peso, COP

Why We Love to Travel With Digital Nomad Visa

If you travel back in time, let’s say ten years, getting a visa for any country is a headache. Also, you would never get a visa for more than a month or two, or in some cases six months, as a tourist. And the possibility of working was out of the window.

But with digital nomad visas, things have changed significantly. Not only can you get a long-term visa for the country, but you can also work for the duration of your stay there. And the best part of all is that your work travels with you!

You can work and stay in the country, get to know the culture, make friends with locals, and even get an extension of the visa if you like the vibe of the country. The scenario works out well for individuals with inflation in their country or whose currency’s value is higher than in Colombia.

Portugal, Italy, and Spain have been extremely gracious and welcoming toward Digital nomads. They have created a digital village in certain cities, where digital nomads get all the facilities they need to continue working in a new country.

Moreover, the visa policies in Spain and Portugal have been super relaxed, so the digital nomads aren’t scared away by lengthy and time-consuming requirements, taxes, and other complex jargon. Colombia also made significant changes in visa policy and requirements to welcome digital nomads.

Digital Nomad Visa Colombia

digital nomad visa colombia

Colombia is an amazing place for digital nomads. The country is rich with vibrant culture, opportunities, and natural beauty. Colombians are generous and welcoming folks. They love hosting and meeting new people. And the great thing about Colombians is they are always ready to help you.

They recently made changes and eased the requirements to welcome more digital nomads. Anyone with a Colombia digital nomad visa can stay in the country for a long time and explore while working.

Besides relaxing the visa, the governing bodies have also worked towards making it easy for digital nomads to find spaces to work. With high-speed internet and several co-working spaces, it has given much ease to digital nomads. You can also find meeting rooms, with exceptional internet so you can continue your work without distractions.

And if you do not want to work from a co-working space, several quaint and cozy cafes make the best space where you can immerse yourself in the culture of beautiful Colombia while you work.

Several factors make Colombia a great place to work, and I found some apprehensions too. I will be candid so you know how to work around those shortcomings before you plan your journey.

Eligibility for Digital Nomad Visa Colombia

Here are the criteria for the Colombia digital nomad visa:

  • Passport of a country that is exempted from short-stay visa
  • Work for a foreign company (non-Colombian)
  • Intend to work/stay for 90 days.
  • Proof of income for over three months, three times the minimum monthly wage (currently, it is at $700)

Pros and Cons of Colombia Digital Nomad Visa


  • Beautiful Country: There is no denying it is a beautiful country. For nomads and travelers, it is a great place to explore and take their time exploring with the ease of Colombia Digital Nomad Visa.
  • Rich Culture: History, traditions, and people – the country is an amalgamation of rich culture.
  • Food: Arepas, Empanadas, Pan de Bono, and Bandeja Paisa are some of the extremely famous unique cuisines one must try during their stay.
  • Cost of living: If you compare it with other North American and European countries, the cost of living is considerably lower. The cost of living makes it an attractive destination for backpackers, travelers, and digital nomads.      
  • Natives: Colombians are extremely hospitable, cheerful, and friendly folks. They make a special effort to help visitors and ensure you feel at home.  


  • Safety: Colombia had high crime rates in the past. But things have changed significantly over a couple of years. But there are certain areas where you need to be cautious and take precautions before you go to those areas.
  • Traffic: Like every country, key cities and their business centers have peak traffic hours. You need to be attentive to those hours to work around and avoid being stuck in traffic.
  • Language: In some cities, people speak Spanish and have difficulty understanding English. It can become a barrier for you if you do not understand and converse in simple Spanish.
  • Weather: If you are traveling from European countries, the hot, humid weather will be uncomfortable for you. Certain cities near the Amazon rainforest and coast are particularly very humid and hot.
  • Infrastructure: Certain cities lack developed infrastructure. You will not get great internet speed, urban life, and also experience power outages.

All in all, you need to do some research on what cities are best for you to travel to after you have acquired Colombia’s digital nomad visa.

Requirements of Colombia Digital Nomad Visa

Colombia digital nomad visa

The Colombia digital nomad visa is known as the Migrant Visa (M-13). To apply for Colombia digital nomad visa application, you would need the following documents:     

  1. Firstly, you need a valid passport with at least two blank pages and 180 days of validity after the date of entry.
  2. Fill out and submit the Colombia digital nomad visa application.
  3. You have to provide proof of income. The income threshold is currently USD 2,000 for Colombia’s digital nomad visa. It is equal to three months’ salary in Colombia.
  4. You would need health insurance coverage for your time of stay.
  5. You will have to produce a police certificate or background check from your country of origin or the country you have stayed in for the last five years.
  6. A valid flight reservation indicates your return from Colombia after your stay.
  7. You need proof of accommodation for Colombia’s digital nomad visa application for the first few days.  

Disclaimer: Remember, requirements change often. It is best to check the requirements at the embassy or consulate. Depending on your country of stay, you may need additional documents. Hence check all details before you apply for Colombia digital nomad visa. 

Can I Bring Dependent on a Digital Nomad Visa?

You can bring your dependents to Colombia on a digital nomad visa without additional income requirements. However, the application fee may change. It can range from 170-230 USD, the fee changes on the number of dependents and circumstances.

Economy of Colombia

If you compare it with other Latin American countries, Colombia has the third-largest economy after Mexico and Brazil. Colombia is rich in natural resources like coal, oil, and minerals.

Meanwhile, crops like bananas, coffee, flowers, and other crops are great sources of income in the country. The country has been heading towards steady and growing economic growth for the last few years. Many Colombians lost their jobs during the pandemic, and businesses incurred huge losses. COVID-19 also affected the country, but within two years country bounced back from the effects.

The government also reached out to people in need during the testing times and provided financial support to families with major setbacks during a pandemic. Moreover, certain income thresholds were offered tax exemptions until life returned to normal.

The step helped small businesses and low-income families to sustain themselves. It helped the economy to sustain during a pandemic and bounce back instantly after the pandemic. It was a thoughtful and wise move on the government’s part; it also helped the economy to bounce back instantly.

As of now, the economy of the country is stable and heading toward immense growth. The administration sees the potential government and digital nomads offer each other. Hence, they have made accommodating and obvious changes to digital nomads’ visas in Colombia in the last two years.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Colombia offer a digital nomad visa?

Yes, Colombia recently joined the list of countries welcoming digital nomads to apply for long-term visas.

How long does it take to get the Colombian E-Visa?

It takes around 5 working days. It’s best to check with your local embassy or consulate for confirmation.

When did Colombia digital nomad visa start issuing?

The Country announced the new visa category, Colombia digital nomad visa in October 2022.

What is the income requirement to get Colombia nomad visa?

You must be able to make $650 per month to be eligible for the visa.